Dazzle Dachshuund

The dazzling Dazzle Dachshund  is just one of the great pets coming to webkinz world this spring!



  1. Hey KittyKat12,

    I long to come back to you guys as I saw your messages and was truely heartbroken. However, I feel I cannot go back to Webkinz or NeopetsValley as I feel that it has taken over my life and I do not wish to lead a life knowing that I do not enjoy doing must be done. So instead I created FarmVilleValley, a blog dedicated to FarmVille, with my friend from school, James, and together we are creating http://www.FarmVilleValley.wordpress.com/. Unlike my older blog, this one does not have to be hidden from my friends who have indeed grown out of Webkinz, many years ago. So I’d like to thank you for all your help and support over the few months that were NeopetsValley and say goodbye.

    Signing off, for the last time.

  2. 2
    anna Says:

    i wish that we could get codes 2 the dazzel dashound for free

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